photo: Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,

Brittle Najas (Najas minor)

Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,
Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,
Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,


Herbaceous, aquatic annual with stems that can grow 4-7.75” long. These stems can be up to 0.04” thick.


The oppositely arranged, dark green leaves become recurved as they age, and have serrulate margins with 7-15 small teeth on each side. The leaf base is truncate or lobed. The leaves measure 0.2-1.25” long and 0.007-0.05” wide.


Najas minor is a monoecious plant, with 1-2 flowers per axil. The male flowers are located distally and are 0.08” in size. The involucre has two lobes and the beaks are 0.02-0.08” in length. The female flowers are located in the distal to proximal axils and measure 0.8” in size.

Fruits & Seeds:

The spindle-shaped seeds of this plant are 0.05-0.1” in size and purple colored.

Tier 3 - Presence is of Interest

The species that occur in this tier are likely ornamental escapes. It is not known whether they are established and/or spreading within Cleveland Metroparks. The ecological impact is poorly known for these species.

Action: The presence of these plants should be recorded by approximating the number of plants. Initial population numbers are likely small.

Distribution Map