photo: Ohio State Weed Lab Archive, The Ohio State University,
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
Erect perennial, 1.5 - 7' tall; stems mostly smooth, hairless below the inflorescence; from rhizomes.
Alternate, green above, with dense silvery fuzz below, oval in outline, divided into unequal, usually toothed segments.
Head yellowish; inflorescence usually large, leafy clusters; blooms July-Oct.
Fruits & Seeds:
Elliptical, dry seed.
Tier 3 - Presence is of Interest
The species that occur in this tier are likely ornamental escapes. It is not known whether they are established and/or spreading within Cleveland Metroparks. The ecological impact is poorly known for these species.
Action: The presence of these plants should be recorded by approximating the number of plants. Initial population numbers are likely small.