photo: Cleveland Metroparks

Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum)

Cleveland Metroparks
James H. Miller & Ted Bodner, Southern Weed Science Society,
Chris Evans, Illinois Wildlife Action Plan,
Chris Evans, Illinois Wildlife Action Plan,


Annual grass 1-3' (occasionally up to 5') tall that grows in a branching, sprawling, mat-like manner. Stems resemble a narrow, delicate bamboo.


Pale green, alternate, narrow, lance-shaped, up to 3" long and lightly hairy. Pale, silvery stripe of reflective hairs along midrib of upper leaf surface. Turn yellow to orange in the fall.


Slender stalks, 1-3" long, of tiny flowers appear late summer and set seed in early fall.

Fruits & Seeds:

Each plant produces 100-1,000 seeds. Seeds remain viable in the soil for 5 or more years.


Spreads during summer and fall by rooting at stem nodes that touch the ground.

Similar Species:

Whitegrass (Leersia virginica) native

Pennsylvania smartweed (Polygonum pensylvanicum) native

Lady's thumb (Polygonum persicaria) non-native

Tier 1 - Assess as Needed

These species are known to be highly invasive in natural areas, but are not yet widespread in Cleveland Metroparks. With Limited distrabution, immediate action will minimize management cost and long-term ecological impact of these aggressive species.

Action: A GPS point is taken and the Invasive Plant Coordinator should be notified, so the Invasive Plant Management Crew can respond accordingly.

Distribution Map